We Will See Sloths One Day

There are going to be times
When you have to choose
One part of yourself over another,
And you will have no idea
If you are doing the right thing.
What may not look like sacrifice to others,
Will feel like sacrifice to you.
So yes, it settles my soul
To hear that you believe it will work out.
And while I will savor right now,
Because that is all we have,
For a moment, I let myself look forward to
Living the day I am dreaming of with you.


You appeared in my dreams—
You asked me if I was empty of you yet.
And while I don't know you now,
And I don't love you the same way now,
And I don't choose you now,
I had to tell the truth,
I will never be completely empty of you.

Healing Is Complicated

Today we lay to rest
The life we could have had,
Or... the life we did have
And no longer do.
We are now burdened
And blessed with the knowledge
Of our pasts future
And the context of what our choices added up to.
At least for now.
Life is ever changing,
One day we will look back and grieve
And then celebrate again

We Don't Have To Compete

Bring me to my knees with your work,
Open up my imagination,
Relay your experience in a way
That fills me with so much feeling,
That I must go and create art
Out of your art.
I give a reminder to myself,
That I don't create art to compete—
But instead to bleed.

Laying On A Beach In Costa Rica Can Also Teach You About Life

Hard times can teach you things.
But what we get caught in-
Is believing that things have to be hard
For us to learn from them.
I learned a lot playing in the dirt as a child.
I learned a lot from building blocks and making something new,
From writing nonsensical stories that brought me joy.
I've learned a lot from sitting in rooms with friends,
Where the only challenge was keeping our drinks in
Because we were laughing so hard.
Sure, my darkest days brought me wisdom,
But it was when the light shone again
That I found the meaning in learning those lessons at all.
When we are used to things being hard,
We forget that there's another way.
How do I reframe that for anyone else,
When I fall into the same way of thinking?
There will be hard times that we can't avoid,
But in the rare moments when during a valley,
We have the ability to choose differently,
I hope you remember,
Hard times can teach you things;
But good times can teach you things too.

Another Contradiction

I know we will only get so much time together,
That’s why I hate that there’s ever a moment
I want to be alone

How To Respond To Fear

Don’t lie to me and tell me
I should not be afraid.
Look at me and tell me
That it is okay, to feel this way—
That I don’t have to fear, fear itself
Because fear is just curiosity without the excitement.
Tell me that I can let any feeling into my body,
Because it will all pass,
And I can get through whatever comes.

Tell me it is okay to be afraid

Who Are You To Me?

I do not need you to breathe.
I do not need you so that I may walk the days.
But you bring 
A happiness 
To my existence-
It's addictive
And I can't get enough

What It's About

It’s not just to be loved,
It’s to be loved for who you really are —
To be seen at the deepest level.
When they bring to light part of you…that even you couldn’t look at
And say this, this is just part of what makes you beautiful

I'm Not A Burden

I no longer want to bleed onto the page to hide behind it,

I want to hold it up,

Show it to others and say "look at this, look at me."

I no longer want to hide my heavy out of fear

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